By alphacardprocess March 22, 2022
The Visa Dispute Monitoring Program is a voluntary program designed to help participating issuers and acquirers resolve disputes in a timely and efficient manner. The program provides issuers and acquirers with an objective third-party review of billing disputes, chargebacks, and other claims filed by cardholders. This service is provided at no additional cost to participants.
The program is designed to help participants resolve disputes in a fair and efficient manner, and to improve the overall quality of customer service. The program is not intended to replace or supersede existing dispute resolution procedures. Rather, it is intended to supplement those procedures and provide an independent review of disputes.
Participation in the program is voluntary, and participants may opt out at any time. However, once a participant has opted out, they may not re-enroll in the program for a period of six months.
The program is open to all issuers and acquirers that are members of Visa Inc. There is no minimum or maximum number of disputes that must be filed in order to participate.
What are the Fines applicable on merchants under VDMP?
If a merchant is found to be in violation of the Visa Dispute Monitoring Program rules, they may be subject to fines. These fines can range from $5,000 to $10,000 per occurrence. In addition, the merchant may also be required to take corrective action to ensure that future disputes are handled in accordance with program rules. merchants who repeatedly violate program rules may be subject to additional penalties, including the termination of their Visa merchant account.
What is the process for filing a complaint with the VDMP?
If you have a billing dispute or chargeback that you believe was unfairly handled, you may file a complaint with the Visa Dispute Monitoring Program. To do so, you will need to submit a completed complaint form, along with any supporting documentation, to the address listed on the form.
You will then receive a confirmation letter from the program indicating that your complaint has been received. An objective review of your dispute will be conducted, and you will be notified of the program’s decision.
What happens after I file a complaint?
After you have submitted a complaint, an objective review of your dispute will be conducted. The program will then render a decision based on the information that is available. You will be notified of the decision in writing, and the issuer or acquirer will be required to take action accordingly. In some cases, the matter may be referred back to the merchant for resolution.
If you are not satisfied with the program’s decision, you may appeal the decision to Visa’s Independent Review Panel. To do so, you must submit a written request to the address listed on the appeal form. The review panel is comprised of independent industry experts who will review your dispute and make a final decision.
How does a merchant get out of the VDMP?
A merchant may get out of the VDMP by opting out. To do so, they must complete and submit an opt-out form to the address listed on the form. The form must be accompanied by a letter stating the reasons for opting out.
Once a merchant has opted out, they are not eligible to re-enroll in the program for a period of six months.